Here are 5 tips!
1. Add a link to your biography. Once people visit your Instagram page, you want them to keep going on to the next level! These days, there has been a rise in Internet bloggers. Personally, there are several fashion beauty and lifestyle blogs that I look at weekly. If you have your own blog, put a link to it in your Instagram profile! Or, if you are a big business, have a link to your website! Here is an example:
2. Subliminally include your products into your Instagram posts. Make your product look very appealing to the target audience member. For example, Lauren Conrad has a fashion line available at Kohls that is very popular among my age group. Here is an post from LCLaurenConrad that incorporates items from her fashion line in a picture that many girls could find appealing and relate to.
3. Use a text overlay on your photos. Sometimes, people will not take the time to read the caption of your photo that includes the action that you want them to take. It is a good idea to put your message right across the picture so that it stands out when someone is scrolling through their news feed.
4. Make your captions include a call to action! If there is a sale, notify the viewers! If there is a new line of sweaters coming out for the holidays, tell them about it! Make sure the call to action is clear. Otherwise, there is no point in even posting the photo and caption.
5. ######## Hashtags!
It is extremely important to take advantage of hashtags. It is a great way to gather information and draw in more viewers from other people who are looking at the same hashtag. Make sure that the hashtag is relevant, and don't overdo it. On average, it is recommended to use approximately 1o to 15 hashtags in each post.
Read more about how to pump up your Instagram at: